Although I had to work through the weekend, I managed to find time yesterday morning to visit the Venice canals.
First, a bit of history. It's true that Venice is named after the Venice of Italy. In the beginning of the 20th century, Abbot Kinney (who I mentioned in an earlier post) tried to capture that spirit of Italy and create a European escape in Los Angeles. Originally there were sixteen canals built, but because of the increasing number of cars, ten were filled in and paved over to create more roads. Unfortunately, the canals were neglected for half a century until the early 90s when they were dredged and renovated. Today, there remain six canals in the south of Venice.

Sadly, yesterday was a cloudy day, probably to match my mood. However, the canals were still a sight. It was like a preview of study abroad. I had a great time just walking around, passing by several dog-walkers, photographing the architecture, avoiding ducks, and even seeing an artist water-coloring. It was completely relaxing for a Sunday morning. I plan to go back at night so I can photograph the reflections off the water.

When I finished walking around, I headed towards the beach to find a particular house. Guess who designed this attractive beach house. None other than Frank Gehry! Seriously, what is this? I know his concept was to explode the basic elements or whatnot, but come on! Anyways, that was all the exploring I could do this weekend. I'll add some pretty pictures to make up for my lack of adventures.