Side view of BCAM |
Today, my roommate (James) and I went to the LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art) to see the new additions by Renzo Piano. I actually wasn't aware that he had worked on the museum in LA, so I was excited to learn that it was nearby.
I have admired Mr. Piano's works since learning about the Menil Collection back in freshmen/sophomore year. When I visited the Art Institute of Chicago and got to experience his work first hand, it was awesome. He really has a way with light.
Mr. Piano designed two additions for the transformation of LACMA: the Broad Contemporary Art Museum (BCAM) and
Interior of Resnick Pavilion |
Richard Serra |
the Resnick Exhibition Pavilion. The layout of the museums themselves were pretty normal, but the filtration of light in the interior was very Renzo. On the exterior, he highlights the structure in a bright red, which actually reminded me of Japan for some reason. Anyways, I enjoyed the structure, but I think the Chicago Art Institute was more impressive. I can't wait to see what the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum addition looks like (someone in Boston update me on the construction, please).
As for the artwork, I was thrilled at what they had! I wasn't expecting to see Barbara Kruger or Jeff Koons or Richard Serra. It was a fantastic collection. We didn't have time to walk through the entire campus (it consists of 6-7 buildings) but we managed to see all the contemporary pieces.
Jeff Koons |
Urban Light |
View of Resnick Pavilion from the top of BCAM |
awesome!!! looks like a fun museum! the isabella stewart gardner museum is still under construction, but they have like, the framing/structure and floors and some of the exterior stuff on it. was it even being built when you left? i can't remember!